Does sleep seem like a distant memory? Does your new baby have trouble falling or staying asleep? Are you longing to get your baby to sleep through the night but don’t know where to start? Is there sleep training you’re trying to work on just not working? Does your toddler fight bed or nap time?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, you aren’t alone. Parents face all kinds of challenges when it comes to one of the most important things in their child’s life—sleep.
At Sleep Shop in NYC we have helped dozens of Brooklyn moms by matching them with our certified infant sleep consultants to restore a restful household. Read on to learn more about our process and how a sleep consultant could help you
What do sleep consultants do?
Sleep consultants work with babies and toddlers to address specific sleep problems that are stopping them and their families from getting the rest that they need. We start by meeting with parents and learning about their child, routines, the household, and potential lifestyle habits that could be contributing to sleep problems.
We offer a variety of programs to fit your needs and the age of your child both within and outside of the home.
The unique benefits of a sleep consultant
Getting your child to sleep through the night is challenging for any parent, but if you are starting to feel extremely overwhelmed a sleep consultant can offer truly valuable support.
For working parents, single parents, or parents who are just exhausted, a sleep consultant can provide instant relief. The professional advice and help they offer can also relieve other issues sleep problems can cause in the family such as stress and relationship problems.
What is the best age for my child to be to start working with a sleep consultant?
Great sleep habits can start being instilled as soon as your baby is a newborn! At the Sleep Shop, we have offer sleep consulting services to Brooklyn parents as early as a few days post-partum.
If your baby is further along in infancy, 6 months is a good gauge to see if there are true problems with sleep. If your baby is having problems napping or waking frequently during the night, it is a good idea to call for a consultation with an infant sleep expert to discuss your options.
About Sleep Shop
The Sleep Shop is led by Melissa, a mother of four, and is a member of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants.
We offer one-one-one unlimited consulting, sleep classes with our founder, phone consultations, 1-week jumpstarts, infant sleep guides, 2 weeks of consulting, toddler nap guides, toddler sleep guides, toddler total resets, and “the toddler tune-up”.
We offer sleep consulting services in all of New York City including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Flat Iron District, Turtle Bay, Tribeca, Upper East Side, Soho, Staten Island, and the greater NYC area.
Contact us today to learn more.