TEAM: Megan Pierson | Colleen Newhall | Jess Hudson | Cameron Liddell | Alicia Schoch |
Carly Kenihan | Ashley Barnes | Heather Walker | Alyse Kearney
Meet Alicia
As a mother of two, Alicia’s personal experience of implementing sleep plans for her own children initiated her desire to help others achieve the same success for their babies as a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

As a nervous new mother—and one who likes a schedule— Alicia researched ways to guide her daughter into a routine that worked for their family. Although many told her it was “just luck” that her daughter was sleeping well, she was able to apply many of the same techniques for her second child and guided him into a healthy sleep routine as well. Through her experience, Alicia understands that each child and family has different needs when it comes to creating a routine. She loves working with each baby on an individualized sleep plan that works for their family. Alicia is the mother to Lyla Grace and Mason, and wife to Spencer. Her family resides in her hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.