If you’re expecting or have a newborn and are reading this, you’re already on your way to the most ideal sleep for your baby at each stage. Starting early will ensure your baby very naturally learns great sleep habits and is getting optimal sleep for their age. It also makes the process of teaching sleep much easier. Your first steps will be very simple with two main goals and 3 rules. Focus on these for the first few weeks and you’ll already be ahead of the game. 2 Goals for weeks 1-4: 1. Establish a good feeding routine. This means full feeds every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night (until approved to go longer). A good feeding routine will also include baby seeming full and content after feeds. If you notice discomfort during or after feeds, this is something you’ll want to address early on. 2. Develop Baby’s Circadian [...]
Dealing with Separation Anxiety
It can feel like everything is going perfect with your baby. They are eating, playing, and socializing well, and then comes bedtime. They begin to settle down and just as you leave the room they begin to cry. What’s wrong? You’re following a routine, ensuring that your baby isn’t overtired, and working on independent sleep skills— but your child seems to know the second you leave the room. Separation anxiety is very real and can be a huge impediment in your child’s sleep success. In this article we will help you understand separation anxiety, why it happens, what you can expect, and how you can deal with it at any age. Our Los Angeles sleep experts will help you by giving you tips to combat separation anxiety and restore rest in your home again! What is separation anxiety? Separation anxiety can begin in children as early as six months of age, however, typically peaks [...]
The Toddler Bedtime Routine
As your little one enters the exciting, but often chaotic time of toddlerhood, bed time may start to look a little different. As your child changes so do their needs and with every passing month their needs for rest can differ. With your child beginning to talk, walk, and understand the world around them better, there are many new exciting things you can bring into their routine to enhance their development and foster a healthy sleep environment. In this article, our Los Angeles sleep experts will discuss the perfect toddler bedtime routine and how you can get your energetic toddler the Zzzs they need. The importance of a bedtime routine A healthy bedtime routine is something we recommend instilling from the time you bring your baby home. Babies and toddlers thrive on routine and following a routine as often as possible will let your child know when it is time to [...]
Toddler Sleep Help
Though tiny, toddlers have a lot going on! They are learning about the world around them and discovering many new things for the first time. All of this exploring and development has a massive impact on your little one's sleep. You may have noticed that your child's sleep needs don't look the same as the first day you brought him or her home from the hospital. While some nights may look far better, you may be dealing with entirely new issues such as a 1.5 year old who fights nap time or a 2 year old who wakes up with night terrors. To say the least, navigating all of these new experiences can feel overwhelming and challenging. The toddler years are often much more active for parents who are now having to chase children around the house or may even be returning to work for the first time in over a year, so sleep is [...]