Toddler Sleep Video 🙂
And here is the Toddler VideoÂ
Infant Sleep Video
They are finally here! I can't tell you guys all the work that went into making these! Because our time is limited with the amount of clients we take on at a time, I wanted to find a way to get information to you guys in the easiest way possible. These videos are short, very informative, have sleep schedules up through a year and will hopefully be encouragement to all you out there looking for support through this crazy parenting journey. I try and answer your most common questions and give you all as much information as I can on infant sleep in 27 min (with closed caption available :)) Please let me know your thoughts and if you liked it- we will also have more coming for you! Â Here is the Infant Sleep Video
Welcome to Sleep Shop
Hello! Thank you for all that follow along and all that are new here! I will be adding so much more content to the blog to hopefully give you guys more information and get you guys headed in the right direction with your little ones! Please follow along @sleepshopconsulting and all our other team members! We have an incredible group of women here that all have such unique and amazing gifts. Feel so so lucky to be able to work alongside them as we help families from all over the world get the sleep they need! Â Thank you so much for entrusting us with your babies and hope that we can be helpful to you all! Make sure you sign up for the newsletter and the videos will be up soon! Â Melissa
What SleepShop Represents and Why Parents Hire Sleep Consultants [SS 012]
[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="90" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]In this final episode of the season, I share a little bit about why I started my business, Sleep Shop, and discuss a few reasons why parents hire me. I delve into my background working as a hospital chaplain, then as a high school counselor, and eventually opening up my consultancy. I describe the process behind our work at Sleep Shop and showcase how we support parents all over the world with their baby sleep needs.  Until next season, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in, sharing this podcast with your friends, reaching out to me, leaving your ratings and reviews, and for your all-around support. I appreciate it! If you have any comments/questions/suggestions for next season's topics, please be sure to reach out. Thank you for listening! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show to receive [...]