Though tiny, toddlers have a lot going on! They are learning about the world around them and discovering many new things for the first time. All of this exploring and development has a massive impact on your little one’s sleep.
You may have noticed that your child’s sleep needs don’t look the same as the first day you brought him or her home from the hospital. While some nights may look far better, you may be dealing with entirely new issues such as a 1.5 year old who fights nap time or a 2 year old who wakes up with night terrors. To say the least, navigating all of these new experiences can feel overwhelming and challenging.
The toddler years are often much more active for parents who are now having to chase children around the house or may even be returning to work for the first time in over a year, so sleep is indeed a precious thing.
If you are a Los Angeles mom struggling with a fussy toddler who does not want to sleep, there is help. At Sleep Shop, our certified Los Angeles sleep consultants will help instill healthy habits that will have your toddler napping soundly and sleeping at night in peace.
All about toddler sleep
Your toddler is going through unique milestones that can affect her or his sleep in profound ways and even cause sleep regression. This means that all of that progress that you’ve made over the past several months can feel like it has taken ten steps back! However, sleep regression is often temporary and can easily be solved if you discover the cause.
Signs of sleep regressions include:
• Waking at night
• Refusal to go to sleep at night/stalling bedtime
• Refusal to nap
• Fear of sleeping
• Escaping the bed
Common reasons for sleep regression include night terrors, growing pains, separation anxiety, or your child being overtired.
What you can do about toddler sleep problems
As with every stage of your child’s life—consistency and routine are essential. Maintaining a bedtime routine or establishing one can help to get your child’s sleep back on track more quickly. This also applies for mid-night wakings.
While it can be tempting to stay up with your upset toddler or let them sleep in your bed, taking them back to bed and settling them down is the best way to ensure they know that nighttime and their bed means it’s time to sleep.
Also, consider the things that could be contributing to your toddler’s sleep problems and if there is anything you can do to add stability to your little one’s routine.
How a Los Angeles Toddler Sleep Consultant Can Help
If you’ve tried multiple things to try and get you and your toddler’s sleep back on track, a sleep consultant can be the supportive element you need to finally establish a healthy, lasting routine. Sleep consultants offer in-home support for parents and can give immediate relief to exhausted mothers and fathers.
A sleep consultant will work with both you and your toddler to help you find freedom in a sleeping schedule through proven techniques, coaching, and finding a routine that works for your entire family.
About The Sleep Shop
The Sleep Shop is led by Melissa, a mother of four, and is a member of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants.
We offer one-one-one unlimited consulting, sleep classes with our founder, phone consultations, 1-week jumpstarts, infant sleep guides, 2 weeks of consulting, toddler nap guides, toddler sleep guides, toddler total resets, and “the toddler tune-up”.
We offer sleep consulting services in all of New York City including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Flat Iron District, Turtle Bay, Tribeca, Upper East Side, Soho, Staten Island, and the greater NYC area.
Contact us today to learn more.